Monday, June 11, 2012

Help Age India: Fighting isolation, poverty & neglect: Success Stories


77 year old Shirley Barret spent her entire life teaching children in a town in Jharkhand. She along with her husband started Modern English School in Jamshedpur with the aim of educating the young. The husband & wife duo came to Bangalore in the 1990's as her son got transferred as a welding inspector. In 1993 her husband succumbed to cancer and last year her son too expired, leaving her with no support system.

Her daughter-in-law moved away to live life separately saying that she was young and didn't want an added burden of an aging mother-in-law. Shirley found shelter under the roof of a generous couple Mr. and Mrs. Paschio who are extremely fond of her.

Shirley didn't want to be completely dependent on the hospitality of the Paschios and got herself enrolled into HelpAge's Sponsor - A - Grandparent programme which has made a tremendous difference in her life. It has given her a sense of independence and even though her granddaughter repeatedly insists that Shirley stay with her she doesn't want to be a burden on anyone. With her basic daily needs met under the project she doesn't anymore.


86 year old Banshidhar Sharma of Seetaram Puri Basti in Jaipur (Rajasthan) spent his youth fighting for the nation. He is among those distinguished freedom fighters who led India to freedom from the British Raj, but like many others his efforts went unnoticed. The country moved on but life for Banshidhar was still a struggle. Today he survives on Govt. pension which isn't enough to meet his medical expenses. After India became a free nation he served the Congress Govt. for 62 years. Blessed by 3 grandchildren through his only son who is employed with the Govt. Banshidhar refuses to be a burden on his son and his family and looks for ways to sustain himself however tough the circumstances might be.

Suffering from a severe breathing problem and physical frailty at this stage of his life, he was in no condition to go to the nearest primary health care centre. So he turned to HelpAge India's Mobile Medicare Unit program for assistance.

A friend and co-helper now of the program Banshidhar today is different man in physical health and spirit, though disillusioned but looks forward to life. HelpAge hopes that it can reach out to many such elders who contributed so much to the nation and give them back something through it's services so they can lead comfortable lives in their later years.


Nakhatrana village in Anjar block is home to the Sodha community who migrated enmasse from Pakistan after the 1971 war with India. They speak a mix of Sindhi and Gujarati, and observe different traditions and customs from the rest of Gujarat. They live in the arid part of the state, where plants like kikar and babool take away what little moisture there is out of the soil.

 75 plus, Sonaji Hiraji Sodha is among the village elders. He would earn part of his living farming alongside his only son. A widower, he would find himself alone once the monsoon broke and his son would have to go into town to look for other job opportunities to sustain the household.When the devastating Gujarat earthquake of 2001 took place Sonaji lost his only source of livelihood as it destroyed his home and cultivable land with cracks all over the land and the water level dropping. 

 When Sonaji was approached for aid by HelpAge, he asked for a lift irrigation system to be installed in his field. Since then life has become much easier. His son now stays with him because water is available and the land can be cultivated throughout the year. Sonaji’s successful irrigation and increased farming has inspired the whole village to find similar home-grown solutions.

Source: HelpAge India

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